Carlos Moore
Design and Construction
We are excellent project managers and general contractors! When we perform construction management services we only work with the right sub-contractors. Although there are many quality sub-contractors out there, we only hire and work with qualified individuals who fit are collaborative business model. We feel like we can build the best project when owner, designer, contractor and sub-contractors are allowed to give input.
This is the fun part of a construction project. Design is the process of capturing the clients ideas and then turning them into construction drawings. We take our knowledge of spaces, materials, and building codes to make sure your project is designed right. This typically is done over several meetings and 3 major phases: Schemtaic Design, Design Development, and Construction Drawings.
Measured Drawings
Drafting & Rendering
What are measured drawings? Measured drawings are prepared in the process of measuring a building for future renovation or as historic documentation. They are created from onsite measurements. - AIA Best Practices pg. 1
Who better than to recreate the plans of an existing building than a person who creates construction drawings for a living. We use CAD software, laser measuring devices, tape measures, and our knowledge of construction to recreate buildings and their spaces.
Whatever reason you need measured drawings for: leasing, renovation, or just to have a set of plans we can do it.
Sometimes we have clients that just need drafting work. They have already designed the project and just need help putting construction drawings together. We specialize in this and have helped many small architure firms and individual clients put their drawing sets together to meet their deadlines.
Many of our clients can not visualize what a completed project is going to look like once it is constructed. We creat renderings to give clients an idea of what a completed project can look like.